Best Plaque Removers: Effective Dental Cleanings On Your Own

Best Plaque Removers - Dentistry of Orlando

For a perfect smile, dentists recommend undergoing regular teeth cleanings. You can do it yourself or see a dentist for teeth cleaning. 

Yet, those pesky brown or yellowish stains can ruin your smile. You see them in your teeth. This is dental plaque, a combination of unremoved food particles and sticky saliva. 

Suppose you do not get a dentist teeth cleaning. Or, do any homemade dental cleanings. In that case, you may get many gum disorders. They can lead to systemic problems, such as heart disease. Dental plaque is common in America. About 65 million people get gum infections. 

You may be looking for the best teeth cleaner for your plaque. Before getting professional teeth cleaning, why not try these homemade teeth cleaning procedures

What Are The Types of Dental Cleanings to Remove Plaque? 

These are some of the homemade types of dental cleanings that you can do yourself at home to remove plaque. Consult a dentist first to know more about these. Complete this step before incorporating them into your daily regimen. 

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a common homemade dental ingredient. It is for deep cleaning teeth.

It is less abrasive than other dental cleaners. It removes plaque by countering the acid that bacteria thrive in it. It does this using its basic properties and high pH. This allows baking soda to remove the biofilm and get into crevices. This prevents more buildup. 

Mix baking soda with water. Then, apply it to your toothbrush. You can use it alone or with your usual toothpaste. Use this baking soda-water mix for deep gum cleaning. Use this compound for about 2-3 times a week. Using too much of the compound may wear off the enamel. This reduces the protection of your teeth even more. 

Apple Cider Vinegar

Contrary to baking soda’s basic properties, vinegar is acidic. Yet, vinegar’s acid does not strengthen the plaque’s surrounding bacteria. It weakens them with its antibacterial properties. This reduces the spread of the bacteria. It also cuts the creation of the biofilm that covers the dental plaque. 

To use apple cider vinegar for deep cleaning teeth, mix it with water before letting it stay in your mouth. Rinse your gums for approximately one minute before spitting them out. To ensure fresh breath after using one of the best teeth cleaners, rinse your mouth with water. Or, brush your teeth with regular toothpaste. 

Orange Leftovers

Oranges are a popular fruit choice because of their sugary flavor. But, they can also remove stains from your teeth. This is because oranges contain several compounds that kill bacteria. They also have Vitamin C, which improves gum health and structure. 

Use oranges as a dental cleaning tool by not throwing away their peels. Divide it into small pieces and rub its inner part to the affected teeth. Their compounds are abrasive, but not too much, and they can help you wash off the stains. An alternate method of using the orange peels is to grind them to create teeth cleaning gum or a paste. Like other homemade remedies, use it in moderation. This will avoid damaging the enamel with its abrasiveness. 

Aloe Vera 

Another herbal method in this list for removing teeth plaque is through the use of aloe vera. Aloe vera strengthens hair. It also has compounds vital for removing plaque. It soothes gums with its anti-inflammatory properties. Also, aloe vera can heal damaged gums if you consult a dentist for teeth cleaning. 

Using aloe vera provides you with various options. Aloe vera is now mass-produced for commercial purposes. You can use its gel as a teeth cleaning gum. Put it on your affected teeth for 1-2 minutes. Leave it as it is to use its properties, then rinse it with water afterward. You may also opt to find aloe vera leaves. Cut it open to squeeze the gel. This makes a makeshift paste. You can also apply it. 

Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds remove plaque fast through repeated chewing. These seeds can give you calcium. It improves your gum structure and health. It also helps in removing stains with its abrasiveness. Chewing enables you to use sesame seeds well. They remove plaque as you chew and scrub your teeth. 

Also, chewing sesame seeds makes saliva flow. This can also help remove plaque. Saliva washes and neutralizes the acid that bacteria thrive on. Consider the affected teeth’s placement and chew the sesame seeds there for 1-2 minutes. Do not swallow yet, but brush the seeds afterward. If the sesame seeds are still present, rinse your mouth with water to ensure complete removal. 

Orlando’s Finest Dentist for Teeth Cleaning

Dentistry of Orlando has the best team in the City Beautiful. With our quality general and cosmetic dental services, we are here to improve your smile. Our clients trust us to provide them with the treatments that will make them smile even more. You can trust us with professional teeth cleaning. We also do veneers, crowns, and more. Call our top-tier dentistry team at (407) 249-9292, (407) 851-5555 or email us here.

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