They say that smiling is free therapy. It relieves stress and improves one’s mood. Studies have shown that it can reduce pain and lower blood pressure.
Smiling has a lot of benefits. But not everyone loves their smile. Millions of Americans are very self-conscious about their smiles. Especially if they have less-than-perfect teeth. One study showed that 57% even cover their mouths when they smile. It’s because they feel insecure about how their teeth look.
The good news is there are plenty of options to transform a person’s smile. One such solution is full mouth dental implants.
Dental implants are artificial teeth embedded into the mouth. They’re installed when you lose your adult teeth. They can replace a tooth or several teeth. Many even opt for full mouth dental implants. The latter can be a godsend for people who have lost all their teeth. It allows them to talk and smile with confidence. It also lets them eat all their favorite food once more.
Dental implants look and act like real teeth. You still need to do your everyday oral hygiene regimen. But there are some slight changes you need to make. Here’s how you’ll take care of full mouth dental implants.
Brush Your Teeth Twice a Day
Dental implants are akin to natural teeth. It’s also prone to tartar and plaque buildup. It’s why you should brush your dental implant two times a day. The actual implant won’t get cavities. But regular brushing will protect it and the natural gum tissue.
Switch to a Soft Toothbrush
Most people who got dental implants also changed their toothbrushes to something softer. A nylon toothbrush is ideal for dental implants. It’s because the bristles are softer. They’re gentler on the implants. Choose a pliable toothbrush that can clean the hard-to-reach areas around the implants.
It’s best to forego toothbrushes with hard bristles. They can scratch the surface of the dental implants. You should also never use any type of metal instrument to clean your mouth if you have implants.
Choose Sensitive Cleaning Products
You might also have to switch your old mouthwash and toothpaste for something new. It’s recommended that you use sensitive cleaning products. You should avoid oral cleaning products with intense flavors. Cinnamon and mint might taste good but they can cause discomfort with implants.
Some toothpastes are also too abrasive for dental implants. You should avoid toothpaste with stain-removing qualities. For one, they can be too abrasive. It can scratch the veneer or cause extreme discomfort. Second, implants are not prone to staining. Your dentist can recommend a good brand of toothpaste for dental implants.
Don’t Forget to Floss
Dentists have been lecturing people about the importance of flossing for years. It’s a vital part of your oral hygiene practice. It’s even more important if you have dental implants. It’s because plaque can accumulate around the implant. This can result in oral hygiene issues.
You can use a dental floss or a water flosser. These are effective at removing any food debris between the dental bridge and your gum line. A sulcus brush or a rubber tip stimulator are also good tools to include in your daily routine.
Say Goodbye to Certain Foods
You’ll have to be more mindful of what you eat after getting dental implants. You might have to say goodbye to certain hard or sticky foods. These could damage your implants and your remaining teeth.
You might have to let go of caramel and hard candies. Potato chips, hard shell tacos, and crusty bread can also damage your implants. So can apples, carrots, and steak.
Keep Visiting Your Dentist
Full mouth dental implants can give you a beautiful smile. But it’s only one step in the process. You need to see your dentist at least two times a year. They will help ensure that your implants will last your whole life. Regular checkups will also keep other dental hygiene issues in check.
Flash That Winning Smile
A great smile builds confidence. Dentistry of Orlando can help you get back that self-esteem. We’re the premier dental clinic in Florida. We provide top-notch cosmetic and general dentistry services. We use the latest technology and the newest dental procedures. We specialize in dental implants, bridges, and crowns. We also do dental cleaning and fillings. We have two clinics you can visit. You can reach our Avalon clinic at (407) 249-9292. You can also send us a message at Our Hansel clinic’s number is (407) 851-5555. Our email address is